Privacy Policy

We comply with all GDPR and statutory requirements for US/EU.

EASY SOFTWARE GROUP Co Pty Ltd Privacy Policy

EASY SOFTWARE GROUP Co Pty Ltd ACN 637 155 045 (EASY SOFTWARE GROUP) is committed to managing personal information in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), the General Data Protection Regulation GDPR (EU) and in accordance with other applicable privacy laws.

This document sets out our policies for managing your personal information and is referred to as our Privacy Policy.

In this Privacy Policy, “we” and “us” refers to EASY SOFTWARE GROUP and “you” refers to any individual about whom we collect personal information.


EASY SOFTWARE GROUP is an UK based company which runs a reputation management business aimed at helping its clients achieve more online reviews from their customers (the Services).

What information does EASY SOFTWARE GROUP collect about you?

Clients and prospective clients

When you enquire about our services or when you become a client of EASY SOFTWARE GROUP, a record is made which includes your personal information.

The type of personal information that we collect will vary depending on the circumstances of collection and the kind of service that you request from us, but will typically include:

  • your name, e-mail, postal address and other contact details;
  • information about your employer or the organisation who you represent;
  • your professional details;
  • your financial information (e.g., credit card, bank account details, PayPal email address); and
  • any additional personal information you provide to us, or authorise us to collect, as part of your interaction with EASY SOFTWARE GROUP.

Prospective employees or contractors

We collect personal information when recruiting personnel, such as your name, contact details, qualifications and work history. Generally, we will collect this information directly from you.

We may also collect personal information from third parties in ways which you would expect (for example, from recruitment agencies or referees you have nominated). Before offering you a position, we may collect additional details such as your tax file number and superannuation information and other information necessary to conduct background checks to determine your suitability for certain positions (for example, positions which involve working with children).

Other individuals

EASY SOFTWARE GROUP may collect personal information about other individuals who are not clients of EASY SOFTWARE GROUP. This includes customers and members of the public who participate in events we are involved with, individual service providers and contractors to EASY SOFTWARE GROUP, and other individuals who interact with EASY SOFTWARE GROUP on a commercial basis. The kinds of personal information we collect will depend on the capacity in which you are dealing with EASY SOFTWARE GROUP. Generally, it would include your name, contact details, and information regarding our interactions and transactions with you.

How and why does EASY SOFTWARE GROUP collect and use your personal information?

EASY SOFTWARE GROUP collects personal information reasonably necessary to carry out our business, to assess and manage our clients' needs, and provide the Services. We may also collect information to fulfil administrative functions associated with these services, for example billing, entering into contracts with you or third parties and managing client relationships.

The purposes for which EASY SOFTWARE GROUP usually collects and uses personal information depends on the nature of your interaction with us, but may include:

  • for the purposes of providing the Services;
  • responding to requests for information and other general inquiries;
  • managing, planning, advertising and administering programs, events, competitions and performances;
  • researching, developing and expanding our facilities and services;
  • market research purposes and to innovate our delivery of products and services
  • informing you of our activities, events, facilities and services;
  • recruitment processes (including for volunteers, internships and work experience); and
  • responding to enquires and complaints.